Fran Lebowitz said Bloomberg is rich and horrible because he is short

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Fran Lebowitz said Bloomberg is rich and horrible because he is short
post #1

Quote From Article:


"I think it's very important that we don't ever have a mayor this rich or this short. The richness comes from the shortness, this is what I believe. I believe every single person suffers for what happens to boys on playgrounds. So I really believe that a short boy gets bullied by taller boys, or ignored by them, or doesn't have the same status as they do, they grow up, they get very rich, to kind of get back at these tall boys, and then everyone suffers for this. I like de Blasio for many reasons, but his height is very important."


Fran Lebowitz Says Shortness Is A Problem For Bloomberg | ShortGuyCentral

Original Article Here: The Gothamist | Watch Fran Lebowitz Psychoanalyze Mayor Bloomberg's "Shortness"