Guy said if he was tall he wouldn't have short friends. What?

Short Lord
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Ridiculous Rants
Guy said if he was tall he wouldn't have short friends. What?
post #1

His taller friend put him in his place for saying some nonsense like this. Guy is 5'4 also. What kind of self-loathing nonsense is this?


Short Vassal
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Re: Guy said if he was tall he wouldn't have short friends. What?
post #2

He's being silly, but I knew a lot of taller guys who thought like this in High School. 

It was a complete minds-crew, but when I look back on it, I realize it was about status, which is more messed up.

Doesn't make it any better and it's still dumb as hell. Kudos on this friend for calling him out on his self-hating stupidity.