Had an amazing date from a woman I met off Tinder

Short Knight
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Had an amazing date from a woman I met off Tinder
post #1

So let's get it straight. I get a decent amount of matches on Tinder but many times the conversation goes south once height comes up. Last week this really attractive woman sent me a super like and we started talking. We shared a lot of the same interests, football, video games, conspiracy theories, sci fi, wresting and swimming. When she asked me about my height, I cringed but she said cool and left it at that. 

We went to the pool in our area for our first date of all places, had fun and then went to a nearby bar after drying up. We stayed there for four hours talking. She said she couldn't wait to see me again. We made out a few times that night and I'm excited. She's taller than me too. I'd say about 5'6 or so. 

So I guess Tinder can work for us shorties smiley

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Re: Had an amazing date from a woman I met off Tinder
post #2


Originally posted by nichpeters03

Hi Mininlinebacker,

I'm glad you had a great experience with the girl you met on through Tinder. I am glad it worked out for you. Hopefully I can find a great experience like that sometime one day.



Looks like you're new around here so welcome! What is your online dating experience like now?

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Re: Had an amazing date from a woman I met off Tinder
post #3


Originally posted by nichpeters03

I don't have any online dating experience. I have never dated anyone ever before--whether in person or online.

Well, welcome to the forum. There are plenty of articles and forum topics here that can give you great pointers to increase your success. 

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Re: Had an amazing date from a woman I met off Tinder
post #4

hi, that's great.... only wish I had such luck...btw im 5ft 3 and 123lbs
