Have there been any advances in Leg Lengthening or Stem Cell Therapy?

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Leg Lengthening
Have there been any advances in Leg Lengthening or Stem Cell Therapy?
post #1

I'm asking this out of curiosity. I used to follow the diaries of Leg Lengthening patients on a forum called "Make Me Taller". Some of these patients have now had their surgeries 15 years ago before it had entered mainstream consciousness. While LL isn't considered a socially acceptable surgery, enough of these operations are going on worldwide including here in the U.S. and some high profile magazines and news shows have done stories on it.

There also used to be a blog called "Natural Height Growth" that tracked advances in post-puberty growth research but it has since been disbanded. 

Now that Leg Lengthening is almost 20 years old as an "acceptable" surgery (I know it started in the 50s) and there is so much competition, why hasn't the price come down and why have there been no ground breaking innovations as of late?

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Re: Have there been any advances in Leg Lengthening or Stem Cell Therapy?
post #2

I don't think there is enough interest or funding going into it. However with social media, Leg Lengthening is getting all of the attention because it is something that can be done RIGHT NOW.