Her brain explodes explaining how she isn't attracted to taller men

Short Knight
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Ridiculous Rants
Her brain explodes explaining how she isn't attracted to taller men
post #1

Her Brain Explodes Trying To Explain Her Attraction To Shorter Men While Ending Up With A Taller Man | Height And Dating | Short Men | Short King | Short Kingz

All you have to do is read between the lines...

Go figure...

Short Lord
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Re: Her brain explodes explaining how she isn't attracted to taller men
post #2

These posts are hilarious at this point. I remember a long time ago hearing the term "hamstering" and haven't heard it used in a while, but her post lines up with that definition perfectly. Go figure indeed lol. 

Short Knight
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Re: Her brain explodes explaining how she isn't attracted to taller men
post #3

She "just so happened" to end up with a a taller man and also finds it "nice" that he doesn't bring up his height.

Sounds like she was looking for a tall man all along, couldn't qualify for one and found one who was down on his luck.

Got it.