How do your mother or female family members feel about your height?

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Re: How do your mother or female family members feel about your height?
post #11

I remember when I addressed my height as a concern of mine to my parents.  I was a junior in college and home for Thanksgiving break and feeling sorry for myself as I hadn't had much luck with the ladies up to that point. I played on the rugby team and went to lots of parties but didn't seem to attract women so I was getting frustrated.  I remember telling them how the girls seemed to like my friends a lot more and how I was almost invisible. My father, who's tall (about 6'), thought I needed to talk to more women and "get out there" and interact more. My mom, 5'2", got upset and started going on and on to my Dad about how screwed up society is and how tall men all have it made.  She was very supportive and loving and wanted to help me. It was odd because up to that point I had suspicions that tall=advantage but I never thought it would hinder me from finding "the one".  I love my parents but I wondered if my mom being a short, attractive women ever had a heightist attitude toward men and found her "tall" guy in my Dad. I wonder if heightist women out there find it difficult to interact with male family and friends who happen to be short.  It's more interesting when the topic hits home!!!       


Short Knight
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Re: How do your mother or female family members feel about your height?
post #12

RobertB, welcome to the ShortGuyCentral!