I don't get this one...

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I don't get this one...
post #1

Last Edited By ShortNProud (2015-08-31 14:15:44)

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Re: I don't get this one...
post #2

It is basically saying that because we short men are short, we need to lower our standards to get dates and women. I am not sure why they would include this under a free dog sign. If I seen that I would let my dog *bleep* in front of it.

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Re: I don't get this one...
post #3

That is a low blow to say the least. I am with Dez. I would go in and get water for my dog then let him piss on the sign lol

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Re: I don't get this one...
post #4


Originally posted by Dez

It is basically saying that because we short men are short, we need to lower our standards to get dates and women. I am not sure why they would include this under a free dog sign. If I seen that I would let my dog *bleep* in front of it.

Crap like this really bugs me because it is beyond a joke it is straight up stereotyping. Cause you know all "short men" lower their standards and lack confidence. 

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Re: I don't get this one...
post #5

Not sure what it worse... saying something like this on a sign calling out short men everywhere or putting the dogs before it. 

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Re: I don't get this one...
post #6


Originally posted by Spider


Originally posted by Dez

It is basically saying that because we short men are short, we need to lower our standards to get dates and women. I am not sure why they would include this under a free dog sign. If I seen that I would let my dog *bleep* in front of it.

Crap like this really bugs me because it is beyond a joke it is straight up stereotyping. Cause you know all "short men" lower their standards and lack confidence. 

1000% agree. Stereotyping is part of the reason fat, short, ect jokes are around. People assume all short men lack self worth and all fat people are lazy. I know a woman who eats better than most and still is over weight. She is one of the most active people I know but people still rag on her about being lazy.

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Re: I don't get this one...
post #7


Originally posted by Hunter


Originally posted by Spider


Originally posted by Dez

It is basically saying that because we short men are short, we need to lower our standards to get dates and women. I am not sure why they would include this under a free dog sign. If I seen that I would let my dog *bleep* in front of it.

Crap like this really bugs me because it is beyond a joke it is straight up stereotyping. Cause you know all "short men" lower their standards and lack confidence. 

1000% agree. Stereotyping is part of the reason fat, short, ect jokes are around. People assume all short men lack self worth and all fat people are lazy. I know a woman who eats better than most and still is over weight. She is one of the most active people I know but people still rag on her about being lazy.

Assuming things needs to stop and I know it wont because most of us do, some of us are worse than others. We just need to learn not to say things, even if we think them. 

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Re: I don't get this one...
post #8

People will never stop assuming. It is in our nature to assume and figure out the "whys"... We just need to learn that the world doesn't revolve around us, so to speak.

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Re: I don't get this one...
post #9


Originally posted by Dale

People will never stop assuming. It is in our nature to assume and figure out the "whys"... We just need to learn that the world doesn't revolve around us, so to speak.

Yeah but I know so many people who are all about the "I" "Me" "My"... Most of us are self centered. Just the way it is. 

Mr Dixon
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Re: I don't get this one...
post #10

I highly doubt this sign lasted long after the wrong... or should I say right person seen it.