I like short men

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Re: I like short men
post #11


Originally posted by SullyOs


Everyone has a preference, even you. I love short men and most women that I know would never look twice at a man under 5'10.  So I don't date men under 5'3 so what? I like to be at least eye level when kissing and that's why I have that preference and am okay with 5'3 men. I know women taller than me that won't even look at a man their own height let alone someone who is "short".


Yea i have preferences. However none of them are superfecial, I might say im generally not into certain features of how they hold them selves, but that does not mean that they dont have a shot. My preferences are personality based, and they need the same fundamental values as me.
That you have friends that care so much, says more about your poor judgement of people surrounding you.
Majority of posts here are about dating, since its a big issue. You may be "Better" than your friends in THIS reguard.
There are still men below 5'3, who you do not accept and does not deserve your love. Even if i make the cut, you still insulted a large load of the community.
And you not minding seeing eye-eye, only makes you an avarage girl, but not what this forum fully supports, that is in my view.

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Re: I like short men
post #12


Originally posted by multinational


Yea i have preferences. However none of them are superfecial, I might say im generally not into certain features of how they hold them selves, but that does not mean that they dont have a shot. My preferences are personality based, and they need the same fundamental values as me.

Every preference is superficial. Every one of them. Just because you believe something isn't superficial doesn't mean it isn't. Whoever doesn't make the cut for you and likes you will feel some kind of way. I have friends who a lot of men consider ugly. Are those men horrible people for not considering her?

Short Knight
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Re: I like short men
post #13


Originally posted by SullyOs


Every preference is superficial. Every one of them. Just because you believe something isn't superficial doesn't mean it isn't. Whoever doesn't make the cut for you and likes you will feel some kind of way. I have friends who a lot of men consider ugly. Are those men horrible people for not considering her?


Every preference is not superfecial nor shallow. Judging a person on their looks, and features they hold no choice over is.
Its okay to reject or dislike someone from what they chose themselves.
Those i deem unfit for me is usual people like you with opinions beyond hypocrism.
Yes those men might be lesser, depending what they consider ugly. However is it how their haircut is, how they wear makeup, how they draw on their eyebrows, clothing and stuff that they do them selves, maybe that is superfecial, but it is a choice, something you did to yourself and can change if you wanted, even if i do not do it myself, i think it is more than fair to shove someone away for those reasons.
But even if it is on rawlooks men reject you for, it just puts you in the league you jumped right into yourself.
Its about being better, not equal.

Last Edited By multinational (2017-08-13 14:14:18)