I think someone at work likes me

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I think someone at work likes me
post #1

So this new girl, or rather, "women" started 2 weeks ago. She is always looking at me smiling and asking me for help. She is 19, which is a but young for me ( I don't date more then 5 years younger than myself), but she is cute. I am not sure if I should do anything about this or not. 

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Re: I think someone at work likes me
post #2

Depends. If it could cost you your job, I would hand up that idea real fast. How old are you? I mean to me, anyone over the age of 25 really shouldn't be with a 19 year old. Too much of a gap. Not the years, just that 17 to 20 year old girls are never sure what they want lol

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Re: I think someone at work likes me
post #3


Originally posted by Jinx

Depends. If it could cost you your job, I would hand up that idea real fast. How old are you? I mean to me, anyone over the age of 25 really shouldn't be with a 19 year old. Too much of a gap. Not the years, just that 17 to 20 year old girls are never sure what they want lol


I agree, if your job is a risk here don't mess with it. My buddy dated a girl at work and they did not have a happy ended. She got him fired. 

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Re: I think someone at work likes me
post #4

Well, I would find out for sure and go from there. If you don't want anything to happen, set the boundries now. You don't want to have a mess down the road!

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Re: I think someone at work likes me
post #5

I don't know how old you are but 19 is that age where you gotta be careful with dating if you are in your mid to late 20's. You two work together on top of it, so I would not go for it. 

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Re: I think someone at work likes me
post #6

Thanks for all your responces. I found out that yes, she does like me... more than she should. She has a boyfriend already as well. I wasn't going to take it further after thinking about it and good thing. Someone I work with is friends with her brother and she is a very "giving" gal. lol