Are southern women more bigoted toward short men than northern women?
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Poll Expired: 27-Jun-2017
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Is heightism much worse in the south?

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Is heightism much worse in the south?
post #1

I moved to SC from IL and I have noticed that height is much more important here. In IL I could get a few dates a year and I never had any women just outright insult me over my height nor did I ever find myself the victim of a terrible prank. Here in SC I have witnessed both and I have two words to describe most of the women here, fat and very vicious. Has anyone else noticed this or is it just me? Or maybe heightism has become much more prominent in the last couple years.

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Re: Is heightism much worse in the south?
post #2

Quite a bit of a move. Where in South Carolina did you move to? Statistically people are shorter down south as compared to the midwest. Outside of the major cities, I'd bet you'd find people to be more heightist on average. This is just my bias though. I'd think traditionally minded rural folk in a warmer climate with a long history of an agrarian economy with forced labor would celebrate brawn and might.

On the other hand, there's no question that heightism increased over the last few years. 

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Re: Is heightism much worse in the south?
post #3


Originally posted by TheDestroyer


On the other hand, there's no question that heightism increased over the last few years. 


Hmm really? I think it has gotten a lot better. Maybe it is cause i've gotten older, idk.

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Re: Is heightism much worse in the south?
post #4

Warning: Rant coming.

I'm tired of this *bleep*. I live in upstate South Carolina and heightism is terrible here. So women have preferences, fine I don't want to date a pee brained bigot anyway and I have a girlfrined. Preferences aside women don't have to try to push me out of the way, they don't have to turn their chin up to me. I swear I can;t walk in downtown Greenville without women who I would not date turning their chins up to me. If I stay here I am afraid I am going to start punching them when they do that!

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Re: Is heightism much worse in the south?
post #5

If you think SC is bad, try Texas.  I cannot believe how many tall men are here.  Also, so many tall women, as well.  I have had a woman tell me to my face she wanted to date a taller man.  I had another stick her finger in my face and tell me she didn’t date shorter men.  I have had girls in bars ignore me or look at me in contempt.  I am married, but these things did happen in my dating past.  Then, I had men deliberately try and trip me in a bar, for it would have been a great joke to watch the short man fall.  I also have been passed over for promotions, and the majority of my bosses have all been over 6’.  And why, people think it is just fine to be rude to you based upon your height.