Member Profiles: newtonsghost
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- newtonsghost
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Recent Posts From newtonsghost
A class action lawsuit against the American Psychological Association would be a great place to start. They carry a large portion of the responsibility for some of the more damning stereotypes against us. For example they blame us for a perfectly healthy reaction against a taught prejudice rather than blaming the prejudice itself. When a prejudice is taught to generation after generation and the scientific community rather than recognizing the prejudice blames the victim they validate the prejudice. While ThatFlyShortGuy brings up some good points, the prejudice that is taught through the media and reenforced by the scientific community is not going to go a way until we start drawing some blood, otherwise people will just continue to laugh at us and we will never be taken seriously.
It's just fashion and a taught prejudice. It started in the dark ages because the poor were malnourished and short so it was codified into fairy tales to teach girls to seek tall (wealthy men) it's no longer relevant but like the fairy tales in the bible it just won't go away. Humans are actually evolving to be shorter and more efficient, we have been for 400k years and the trend continues and short people are winning out in spades. All the equations to predict offspring height always predict an offspring that is shorter than the tallest parent. Western civilization through this taught prejudice is flirting with extinction in the long run.... One deadly STD would wipe out many parts of the U.S. as a result of this prejudice in a couple centuries.
Warning: Rant coming.
I'm tired of this *bleep*. I live in upstate South Carolina and heightism is terrible here. So women have preferences, fine I don't want to date a pee brained bigot anyway and I have a girlfrined. Preferences aside women don't have to try to push me out of the way, they don't have to turn their chin up to me. I swear I can;t walk in downtown Greenville without women who I would not date turning their chins up to me. If I stay here I am afraid I am going to start punching them when they do that!
"Yeah, but all of what you mentioned about "black men" are lost if he's under 5'10. None of the Asian privileges are mitigated by shortness. "
Very true.
Suicide rates seem to be the best and most objective metric with which to quantify human misery, yet nobody talks about the suicide rates of short men. My estimate based upon fact A men make up 80% of suicides in the U.S. and that according to the studies I've seen short men are twice as likely to kill themselves than tall men is that 53% of all suicide deaths are short men who make up merely 15% of the population (30% of male population) yet nobody talks about this. It's all gender equality, equality for minorities... Yet if you look at gender women who make up 20% of suicides have a very high quality of life based on this metric. Since minorities only make up a (obviously) smaller portion of the populous we have to look at suicide rates to see how much they suffer. At present white people kill themselves at a rate of around 18/100k just barely higher than the rate of Native Americans. Asians and Black people kill themselves at a rate of around 6/100k (Most of which are probably short males.) So why is race and gender all anyone ever talks about, sounds to me like short men, white people and Native Americans are the people who are really suffering and nobody cares about them because it is not fashionable to.