Lack of self esteem in women linked to "needing" taller/bigger men

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Re: Lack of self esteem in women linked to "needing" taller/bigger men
post #11


Originally posted by Jelly Kelly

I have to say that I agree. I am a woman and I think and feel like woman are more competative and prone to childish jealousy than men. 


You are the kind of women we need more of in the world. haha

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Re: Lack of self esteem in women linked to "needing" taller/bigger men
post #12


Originally posted by GoKnicks


Originally posted by Catman

Some women... Well, most women have self esteem issures about their body. Thank the media and photoshop for that one. Nothing makes me more sick than to see plastic looking women all over the place. Anyways, I can see this being a reason but again, you can't assume you wouldn't feel just as good with a shorter man.

Women are in a constant competition with each other. I think that is why some wont date short men.

Yes this is the shame of it. Sucks but it is something we men need to ignore I guess haha