Lloyd Blankfein CEO of Goldman Sachs is only 5'4

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Lloyd Blankfein CEO of Goldman Sachs is only 5'4
post #1

Holy cow, the CEO of Goldman Sachs is only 5'4! Even though most CEOs are above 6', he made it!

Last Edited By TinyWizard (2014-04-05 19:54:34)

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Re: Lloyd Blankfein CEO of Goldman Sachs is only 5'4
post #2

There are quite a few short CEOs. I bet if they went around and did a poll of small business owners, you'd probably get a lot more short men (and women). I like to think that a lot of shoter guys go out on their own and become self-made men (e.g. Bloomberg).

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Re: Lloyd Blankfein CEO of Goldman Sachs is only 5'4
post #3

Interesting that he's the same height as me. I wish I was able to ask him how height affected his career if at all.

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Re: Lloyd Blankfein CEO of Goldman Sachs is only 5'4
post #4

Does this make anyone think the Anne Case paper is valid?


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Re: Lloyd Blankfein CEO of Goldman Sachs is only 5'4
post #5

I think a lot of this has to do with Heightism. I woman I was once involved with told me that she noticed most small business owners are short. I cannot confirm this, but perhaps understanding that the social hierarchy of large corporations mirrors society a bit, I wouldn't be surprised if her observation was true.

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Re: Lloyd Blankfein CEO of Goldman Sachs is only 5'4
post #6

> ateyelevel wrote: > I think a lot of this has to do with Heightism. I woman I was once involved with told me that she noticed most small business owners are short. I cannot confirm this, but perhaps understanding that the social hierarchy of large corporations mirrors society a bit, I wouldn't be surprised if her observation was true.


Theres always the study that showed that income was not correlated to height for independent business owners, but was for employees.

I wonder about that quite a bit.

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Re: Lloyd Blankfein CEO of Goldman Sachs is only 5'4
post #7

Can you post a link to this study evilbaga?

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Re: Lloyd Blankfein CEO of Goldman Sachs is only 5'4
post #8

http://ideas.repec.org/p/ces/ceswps/_2733.html  <--- Self Employed vs. Employee salary/height study study

http://www.nber.org/papers/w12466  <------- Height as a proxy for IQ study

http://www.nber.org/papers/w10522  <------- Adolescent Height and income study

Edit: http://www.timothy-judge.com/Height%20paper--JAP%20published.pdf  <--- $789 per inch paper

As you can see, the theories are numerous.



Last Edited By evilbaga (2014-05-07 04:01:30)

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Re: Lloyd Blankfein CEO of Goldman Sachs is only 5'4
post #9

And what do you do for a living?

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Re: Lloyd Blankfein CEO of Goldman Sachs is only 5'4
post #10

> TurtlePower wrote: > And what do you do for a living?

I find that to be a private question, sorry.