OK Cupid now lists height in Tinder style feature

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OK Cupid now lists height in Tinder style feature
post #1

Now women are removing their height from their profiles. Wonder why? It makes sense that they'd add this though since height is the #1 filter that most women use.

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Re: OK Cupid now lists height in Tinder style feature
post #2

I've been using tinder for 2½ years now. And back then, noone was listing height. But i did notice that women tend not to have their height anymore unless they are very tall, or heavily demand a tall guy.

Women in general are ~15cm (6inch) on average  shorter than men are, so they probably think that every man is taller than them.

I have my height in my profile. I tested it once, by removing my heigh, and i got a few more matches, nothing over dramatic tho.
how ever, when i have my height shown, i tend to get deleted shortly after and not recieving a reply. Which did not occur when my heigh was not shown.

I did how ever occasionally get asked how tall i am, where my respons would be how much she weighs, and if she was not fat, i would ask about her boob size. If she had big breasts and was not fat, well.. i dont have these matches.


But dont think for a second that it is because they dont care about it.

Gotta bring some light to the table .. Im currently seeing a girl from tinder(friends with benefits) She is 7 cm taller than i am.


GL out there smile