Pushing 60 and she makes it known she doesn't want a short man

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Ridiculous Rants
Pushing 60 and she makes it known she doesn't want a short man
post #1

Settling is not in her cards, because she deserves a 6 foot man, at any age. 

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Re: Pushing 60 and she makes it known she doesn't want a short man
post #2

That is a hard 60! On behalf of all short men, we thank her for not looking our way.

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Re: Pushing 60 and she makes it known she doesn't want a short man
post #3

Typical worn-out broad with little to no social life left, so she has to talk trash to the world and let men who aren't interested in her anyway know that she doesn't want them.It's an artificial futile ego-boost.

As usual though, who she wants most likely doesn't want her, so here we are lol.