Richard Simmons passed away yesterday at 76. He was 5'6.

Short Vassal
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Richard Simmons passed away yesterday at 76. He was 5'6.
post #1

If you were a kid in the 80s and 90s, regardless of your politics or religion, this guy used to go on all of the talk shows and made people laugh with his personality and energy. He also made it his business and mission to get people who struggled with their weight into shape. He used to get bullied (in a playful way) but some talk show hosts (Letterman), but he always took it in stride and had a great relationship with those he interacted with.

Short Vassal
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Re: Richard Simmons passed away yesterday at 76. He was 5'6.
post #2

This here was my favorite television appearance of Richard Simmons. Gut wrenching hilarious. RIP.