She blames her ex while cringing at men's heights that start with 5

Short Lord
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Height Shaming
She blames her ex while cringing at men's heights that start with 5
post #1

Woman Blames Her 5'6 Ex While Cringing At Men's Heights That Start With 5 | Height And Dating | Short Guys | Short Men | Short Kingz

As we all know, taller men are individuals while with short men, it's "all short men".

Short Lord
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Re: She blames her ex while cringing at men's heights that start with 5
post #2

What's more amazing is all of the people who defend those who think like this.

Rest assure, you'll have your "it's not all" and "just date someone shorter" crowds cheering along at full energy. 

Short Vassal
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Re: She blames her ex while cringing at men's heights that start with 5
post #3

I always ask where are all of these people who would "never date a tall man again" after dating a tall man with a not-so-stellar personality.