She complains about men saying that women have it easier in dating

Short Vassal
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Ridiculous Rants
She complains about men saying that women have it easier in dating
post #1

Women complains that men say that dating is easier for women | Height and Dating | Short Guys | Short King | Short Kingz

She tries to make the classic flawed argument that despite having so many options, it sucks that many of those options don't want commitment.

What she predictably fails to recognize is that having 200 matches a day that may lead to conversation and four dates is far better having maybe 2 matches every six months with one of them not responding and the other one ghosting after matching and realizing she overlooked your height when swiping right.

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Re: She complains about men saying that women have it easier in dating
post #2

Imagine someone with keys a the supermarket telling one who's starving or doesn't eat often that their life is harder because some of the food in the market isn't good for you. Which one of the two would be in the better situation?

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Re: She complains about men saying that women have it easier in dating
post #3

Can you imagine having a thousand matches a week and still complaining?