She height mogs her husband sitting down

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Height Mogging
She height mogs her husband sitting down
post #1

Patrick Gets Height Mogged Sitting Down | Height Mog | Height Mogging | Short King | Short Kingz

This happens quite often. As short as I am, there will be times when I'm out in a restaurant or bar and someone looks shorter than me sitting down.

Anyone else experience this?

The TikTok video can be found here.

Short Vassal
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Re: She height mogs her husband sitting down
post #2

I've always been told I look taller when sitting down. I have a long torso which is most likely why.

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Re: She height mogs her husband sitting down
post #3

i have a normal sized torso but very short legs and  have observed that many tall women simply have a normal length torso but very long legs. it is horrible to realize that a few more inches of femur length can tremendously improve a mans quality if life.

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Re: She height mogs her husband sitting down
post #4


Originally posted by ahimsa42

i have a normal sized torso but very short legs and  have observed that many tall women simply have a normal length torso but very long legs. it is horrible to realize that a few more inches of femur length can tremendously improve a mans quality if life.

This must be why some opt to target femurs when leg lengthening.