She informs us that her husband is 6'2 while giving short men advice

Short Vassal
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Ridiculous Rants
She informs us that her husband is 6'2 while giving short men advice
post #1

Woman brags that her husband is 6'2 while giving short men advice | Height and Lifestyle | It Just So Happens | Short King | Short Kingz

Anyone notice this phenomenon where women when telling a story, always have to let listeners know how tall her husband is, even when the story doesn't call for this information?

You'd think she wouldn't be this dense to mention this to a short guy she is giving advice to when it's of no or negative relevance.

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Re: She informs us that her husband is 6'2 while giving short men advice
post #2

There needs to be a "It just so happens" category on this board. I literally can't stand when someone does this lol.

I usually hit them back with a troll story. Find their insecurity and respond to them by pointing out a woman who has what she lacks.

Her: "My boyfriend is the shortest of the group at 6'2"

Me: "Yeah, my ex girlfriend was a size zero and would disagree".

The stumped look on their face hits different every time lol.