She likes short guys but her boyfriend happens to be tall - Part 8

Short Knight
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Just So Happens
She likes short guys but her boyfriend happens to be tall - Part 8
post #1

She Likes Short Guys But Her Boyfriend Happens To Be Tall - Part 8 | Height And Dating | Short Guys | Short Men | Short King | Short Kingz

Original video the comment was on below. It's a complete meat market.

Guy has two kids form two different women, got married to a third woman at 49 and is now looking for another. The ladies in the commnet is letting it known that every red flag for them is a green flag.

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Re: She likes short guys but her boyfriend happens to be tall - Part 8
post #2

Give me a break! 😂

Didn't get married until age 49 after having two kids and not committing to any of the mothers?

All these women heard was "6 foot 5". 🙄

Short Knight
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Re: She likes short guys but her boyfriend happens to be tall - Part 8
post #3

I just saw this one. This episode was an update to an earlier show he appeared on.

In this video he complained about the quality of women who contacted him.

Most were overweight, underemployed and came with boat loads of drama.

What you're not seeing though is if he took anyone of those broads out for a test drive 😂

Ddue is having the time of his life and I'm not mad at him. If I were 6'5, I'd play the field forever too!

Jsst sit back and laugh at the thirsty wall hitters who are jamming his inbox. 

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Re: She likes short guys but her boyfriend happens to be tall - Part 8
post #4

The way Kendra is obsessing over him though.

Did she really just say that she met him in person 😂

Hope he stresses everyone of those he meets out and ghosts them lol.

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Re: She likes short guys but her boyfriend happens to be tall - Part 8
post #5

I'm betting these are the types of women that were hitting him up that made him come back upset to do a second episode. 😂

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Re: She likes short guys but her boyfriend happens to be tall - Part 8
post #6

Women Stalked 6 Foot 5 Man From The Kendra G Show | Height And Dating | Short Guys | Short King | Short Kingz

They actually stalked him online until they found his job number! 
Who knew that the number six and five in that order was the ultimate cheat code.

Not surprised dude waited until almost 50 to "try to settle".