Stumped a girl in my anthropology class

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Stumped a girl in my anthropology class
post #1

A girl in my anthropology class was talking about how all dictators in history were short and how they are generally unfit leaders. She even made some sick jokes about how short guys should be phased out. The convo went like this:


Girl: Short guys overcompensate too much that's why all dictators are short
Me: What about Saddam Hussein, he was 6'3
Girl: Well that's modern times. When is the last time you've seen a short AMERICAN leader who has done anything good for humanity
Me: Martin Luther King Jr was only 5'6
Girl: Eww. No he wasn't. He was like super tall. All great leaders are tall
Me: Pulls out this picture on my laptop
Girl: Quiet for 30 seconds...w..w...well, people were shorter back then anyway, so he couldn't be that short... No way....


Last Edited By ShortChops (2014-04-05 19:24:35)

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Re: Stumped a girl in my anthropology class
post #2

In every pic I've ever seen, MLK looks about 5'5 at most to me.

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Re: Stumped a girl in my anthropology class
post #3

I would've asked her why she was stammering. People are so quick to negatively judge short men.

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Re: Stumped a girl in my anthropology class
post #4

Wow this reminds me of this chick, one of the popular girls in high school of course, who would always be like "You can't be a man unless you are 5'10 or taller."



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Re: Stumped a girl in my anthropology class
post #5

It makes me laugh when women think they are making a point but this kinda thing happens. I don't have many female friends because in my area, they are all the same and a lot of them are all about the perfect body with themselves and their men.

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Re: Stumped a girl in my anthropology class
post #6

I would just *bleep* her with a soldering iron.

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Re: Stumped a girl in my anthropology class
post #7

What a ditz. When I was in college I had a girldfriend who was 5' and she was absolutely adorible. All the tall guys and jocks wanted her but she was with me. This used to piss them off so they bothered me, made jokes, ect. ect. She ended up going overseas to work and we still skype 2 times a month but she is engaged to a man who is 6'+. So disapointing. 

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Re: Stumped a girl in my anthropology class
post #8


Originally posted by Hunter

What a ditz. When I was in college I had a girldfriend who was 5' and she was absolutely adorible. All the tall guys and jocks wanted her but she was with me. This used to piss them off so they bothered me, made jokes, ect. ect. She ended up going overseas to work and we still skype 2 times a month but she is engaged to a man who is 6'+. So disapointing. 

Guys can be worse than girls sometimes. What dweebs. SMH.