Talk show host uses short king topic to show off tall ex and co-worker

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Just So Happens
Talk show host uses short king topic to show off tall ex and co-worker
post #1

In another episode of "it just so happens", talk-show host Sherri Shepard discusses the positives of dating shorter men just to talk about her tall ex-husband (for the reason that she claims she will never date short men again) and to show-off to her viewers how her size compares to her head of security.

You can't make stuff like this up. 

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Re: Talk show host uses short king topic to show off tall ex and co-worker
post #2

This is hilarious. An entire episode about how "great short men are". but spends half of it dry-thirsting over her giant head of security lol. 

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Re: Talk show host uses short king topic to show off tall ex and co-worker
post #3

Isn't this the same clown who made Prince run off of "The View" lol.

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Re: Talk show host uses short king topic to show off tall ex and co-worker
post #4


Originally posted by Buncome

Isn't this the same clown who made Prince run off of "The View" lol.

Yep, that's her 😂

Short Squire
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Re: Talk show host uses short king topic to show off tall ex and co-worker
post #5

I know she meant well, but this was poorly done. It also doesn't help that she feels this way after she married and dated taller men.

If I were her or any woman like this, I'd advise her to just date and not make a big deal out of it. Stressing that she loves short men after not choosing to go for that in her youth just screams "giant red flag".