The Circle Of Life - Height, Dating, Relationships and Reality

Short Damsel
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Re: The Circle Of Life - Height, Dating, Relationships and Reality
post #11

I have a friend who did exactly this. She's 4'11 and made it a major point to be nasty to shorter guys from high school all the way through adulthood. She only dated the tallest of men. Well, her kid's father left her while pregnant. He was a constant cheater. Her son is now 9 and is at the bottom of the growth charts. She's panicking and she has no reason to. It makes me angry every time this conversation comes up, so I know it's real. 

Height has never bothered me and I all I want are for my children to be healthy. Ten fingers, ten toes, everything functioning and I'll be a happy camper. It's heartbreaking that so many women are just like this.

Short Damsel
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Re: The Circle Of Life - Height, Dating, Relationships and Reality
post #12

And we need more reaction emojis! There should be a sad face and an angry face. Mods, do your thing!

Short Vassal
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Re: The Circle Of Life - Height, Dating, Relationships and Reality
post #13

Brutal, but I knew a lot of guys who went through this with their mothers. It almost reads like a script. The fathers tended to be more chill and not really care much as long as their sons developed character, ambition and discipline. It is what it is. For the mothers, it seemed like an intermittent disappointment. 

Short Lord
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Re: The Circle Of Life - Height, Dating, Relationships and Reality
post #14

I've had female colleagues who thought exactly like this, that as long as they chose a tall partner, their offspring would in fact without a doubt, become tall. This has been far from the truth. At best, it's a hodgepodge. Some become tall, some average, some short.