The Circle Of Life - Height, Dating, Relationships and Reality

Short Knight
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The Circle Of Life - Height, Dating, Relationships and Reality
post #1

Circle Of LIfe | Short Woman Only Interested In Tall Men | Height And Dating | Short King | Short Kingz

Circle Of LIfe | Short Woman Only Interested In Tall Men | Height And Dating | Short King | Short Kingz

Circle Of LIfe | Short Woman Only Interested In Tall Men | Height And Dating | Short King | Short Kingz

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Re: The Circle Of Life - Height, Dating, Relationships and Reality
post #2

You know, I've done alright for myself, but I can't say that I haven't known many women this has happened to, especially considering my age now.

This is not representative of all women, but I knew so many short ones who were "secret eugenicists" during their prime dating age. Many of them had short sons. I specifically remember having conversations with some of them who would bring up their sons being shorter than their peers but rationalizing that things would be okay because their dad was tall, or maybe because they had a taller brother.

Their whole demeanor changes once they realize that their kid won't grow anymore. It's a sight to see. The worst thing about all of this is that it really does take close to two decades for this attitude change and humbling. 

These images really tell a story! Thanks for sharing. 

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Re: The Circle Of Life - Height, Dating, Relationships and Reality
post #3

This is pretty much my situation. Short mother, tall father, and I'm the height that I am. My mother used to say some not so flattering things about shorter guys when I was younger, but became pretty quiet with that kind of talk after I turned 23 or so. 

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Re: The Circle Of Life - Height, Dating, Relationships and Reality
post #4

As well as I've always done when it came to the ladies, even "I" can't act like this isn't a thing. 

I too know someone this happened to. Her son is about fifteen or so and she used to talk nasty about shorter guys when she was younger. No doubt about it.

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Re: The Circle Of Life - Height, Dating, Relationships and Reality
post #5


Originally posted by ThatFlyShortGuy

As well as I've always done when it came to the ladies, even "I" can't act like this isn't a thing. 

I too know someone this happened to. Her son is about fifteen or so and she used to talk nasty about shorter guys when she was younger. No doubt about it.

Pretty much this. When I was younger, my mother would say things like:
"Why do short men drive big cars?"

"Why do short guys always have something to prove?"

"The guy has a napoleon complex, I can't stand short dudes".

I kid you not, all of that stopped when I hit adulthood. Though when I visit and she's watchign a show where the short guy is the butt of a joke, she'll laugh hysterically until she sees me looking indifferent.

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Re: The Circle Of Life - Height, Dating, Relationships and Reality
post #6


Originally posted by joshbaskins

This is pretty much my situation. Short mother, tall father, and I'm the height that I am. My mother used to say some not so flattering things about shorter guys when I was younger, but became pretty quiet with that kind of talk after I turned 23 or so. 

Same, and it can be worse in Latino communities that have been in the states for a while as they assimilate into American culture. The height obsession seeps in.

I remember I was dating this woman and she was really into me. When I met her mother, she asked how tall I was. I told her, "5'6" to which she replied, "Are you surrrreeee"? with a face of skepticism.

From the tone of her voice, I could tell she was a height queen. The woman and I broke up for reasons other than height, but I never liked her mother. She was a tiny woman would bring up my height in a negative way every chance she could get. 

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Re: The Circle Of Life - Height, Dating, Relationships and Reality
post #7


Originally posted by ThatFlyShortGuy

As well as I've always done when it came to the ladies, even "I" can't act like this isn't a thing. 

I too know someone this happened to. Her son is about fifteen or so and she used to talk nasty about shorter guys when she was younger. No doubt about it.

These are the worst ones. Them and women who have short fathers who espouse that filthy talk about short guys. 

If I point this out (that their dad is short), they'll say, "Oh, I didn't mean him", or "I didn't mean you". 

Then who do you mean? 😂

I know one right now, she's about 4'10. Her son grew to 5'5. Luckily, he's doing fine, but the woman I'm talking about has amnesia when I bring up how she used to talk. She still does talk like this when her son isn't around though and doesn't deny her preference either.

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Re: The Circle Of Life - Height, Dating, Relationships and Reality
post #8

The second image hits the feels.

I remember my mother making me feel like something was wrong with me around that age because I wasn't as tall as she wanted me to be. 

She didn't say this outright, but I do remember her face of disappointment when my pediatrician told me that I was at my final height.

I'll never forget that facial expression.

It all worked out though because I found my own confidence and even back then, I was okay with being me.

Thanks for sharing.

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Re: The Circle Of Life - Height, Dating, Relationships and Reality
post #9


Originally posted by TinyWizard

I'll never forget that facial expression.

I'm big on the idea of confience and I have tons of it, but even I can't deny this, that facial expression.

I didn't get it from my parents, but I do remember when I was dating this woman who was 5' flat.

She had two kids. One day when she was child-free, I went over to her place and she was showing me around.

She had pictures of her kids who I believe were teens around that time, and I pointed out how they were all around the same height and that they looked like the perfect family.

She made a face when I said that and I'll never forget her reply. She said, "yeah, their father was small", with such embarassment.

Look man, I'm 5'7, so not tall at all (perhaps taller than her kid's father), but nonetheless, I definitely felt some kind of way after hearing that.

Like, are you kidding me? 

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Re: The Circle Of Life - Height, Dating, Relationships and Reality
post #10

Went through this and still going through it 😟. 

Older than the guy in the second pic (about to graduate with my degree), but my mother won't stop talking about this.