The Famous 20/20 Heightism Documentary

Short Knight
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The Famous 20/20 Heightism Documentary
post #1

It's back! Someone found it and posted it on r/short. Even though it's almost 20 years old, this is the best documentary on Heightism to date. It shows everything. Dating, Business and Social elements. It's worth the watch even if you're not short.

Short Knight
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Re: The Famous 20/20 Heightism Documentary
post #2

I won't be able to take a woman seriously when she complains about how guys are so into looks. This proves that women are just as shallow as men are.

Short Knight
Height: 5'8
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Re: The Famous 20/20 Heightism Documentary
post #3

Imagine the outrage if the people lined up were Fat Women with a few thin ones and all of the guys chose the thinnest one each time?