Thoughts on MGTOW?

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Thoughts on MGTOW?
post #1

Please express your thoughts on MGTOW.  A lot of women nowadays judge men based on an unfair criteria.  Why should there be investment towards them?  

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Re: Thoughts on MGTOW?
post #2


Originally posted by unknown

Please express your thoughts on MGTOW.  A lot of women nowadays judge men based on an unfair criteria.  Why should there be investment towards them?  

I think MTGOW is a personal choice. If someone has had nothing but failure when it comes to the opposite sex and has invested a lot of time and effort, like any other business decision, wouldn't it make sense to pursue something else more worthwhile? Hobbies, working out, etc all yield a tangible return, where as the return on an investment with a woman is emotional support and occasional (or frequent sex). If you marry her, then having children.

You can do anything you do in a relationship while single. Personally, I think MTGOW should be what every man thinks. When your own pursuits become your main line of focus, then women may come. If they don't, let it be. If are MTGOW, then make sure you're doing it for you?