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Thoughts on this comment...
post #1

I read this on reddit and it made me think. He has a point. I mean, not to bash us or anything but a woman really shouldn't be called shallow for seeking traits she wants in a life partner. Thoughts?


"Discriminating about height in romance isn't a shallow thing. That's a permanent trait & therefore longterm realism in action.

It's not like being put off by crooked teeth, the name of someone's fave band or even the lack of an education

It would be shallow not to get past the crooked teeth because they're not necessarily forever.

But getting somebody of the wrong height is something that's seen down the generations. Can't be escaped. It isn't "shallow" to take a pass on something so far-reaching."

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Re: Thoughts on this comment...
post #2

Having a preference is not and never was the issue. The issue is people taking it beyond that and making it a demand and teasing those who are not a "good height". 

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Re: Thoughts on this comment...
post #3

"Discriminating about height in romance isn't a shallow thing. That's a permanent trait & therefore longterm realism in action."


NO. Discriminating is not okay. -- > make an unjust or prejudicial distinction in the treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, sex, or age.

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Re: Thoughts on this comment...
post #4

what about the worst form of prejudice by far which the VAST majority of humans willingly and happily take part in-discrimination based on species?


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Re: Thoughts on this comment...
post #5


Originally posted by ahimsa42

what about the worst form of prejudice by far which the VAST majority of humans willingly and happily take part in-discrimination based on species?


There has never been a 5th generation Vegan. There never will be. Our bodies need meat to be healthy and flourish. 

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Re: Thoughts on this comment...
post #6


Originally posted by Hunter

"Discriminating about height in romance isn't a shallow thing. That's a permanent trait & therefore longterm realism in action."


NO. Discriminating is not okay. -- > make an unjust or prejudicial distinction in the treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, sex, or age.

This. No matter which way you spin it, it is not and never will be okay to judge someone this way.


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Re: Thoughts on this comment...
post #7

Discrimination is wrong period.  Discriminating on height is shallow, because it's a physical trait, shallowness is judging someone based on their physical traits.  Teeth are genetic as well, so by your logic discriminating someone by their teeth is ok.  Regardless of all this, you can get your teeth fixed by going to a dentist, but a man can not grow taller no matter what.

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Re: Thoughts on this comment...
post #8


Originally posted by bigwhereitcounts

Discrimination is wrong period.  Discriminating on height is shallow, because it's a physical trait, shallowness is judging someone based on their physical traits.  Teeth are genetic as well, so by your logic discriminating someone by their teeth is ok.  Regardless of all this, you can get your teeth fixed by going to a dentist, but a man can not grow taller no matter what.

Everything you say about discrimination is correct, but that doesn't apply to dating. Biased yes, but dating by nature is discriminatory. The heart wants what it wants.