Torey Lanez has to be tight. Megan is with an NBA player named Torrey

Short Knight
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Celebrity Gossip
Torey Lanez has to be tight. Megan is with an NBA player named Torrey
post #1

If this isn't petty, I don't know what is.

Torey Lanez is 5'3 and in prison, and his ex moved on to an NBA player with the same name (different spelling).

These broads know how to get underneath the skin, even from miles away.

Short Knight
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Re: Torey Lanez has to be tight. Megan is with an NBA player named Torrey
post #2

This guy was a dummy to get locked up for nonsense (Torey), but yeah, this is petty betty stuff lol.

I was reading a social media post where women were discussing how to get back at their men.

One woman posted that she slept with the guy's barber after they broke up!

This is on that level of petty work!