Weekly reminder. Not all of us women care about height

Short Vassaless
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Weekly reminder. Not all of us women care about height
post #1

All of my boyfriends have been under 5'8. I prefer a man who is closer to me in height. I've even dated shorter than me. My current boyfriend is 5'6 which is just perfect. My shortest boyfriend was my height and I didn't mind wearing heels around him.

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Re: Weekly reminder. Not all of us women care about height
post #2

Good for you!

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Re: Weekly reminder. Not all of us women care about height
post #3

5'6" woman in early thirties-always sought out short guys. My preference. Shortest guy I dated and was attracted to was 5'1", and my perfect husband who i am more sexually attracted to than anyone in my life is a perfect 5'4". While I would have happily dated a man of any height that made me happy and I made happy in return, men shorter than me or equal to my height have always been my preference. Something about the powerful, compact musculature that only a short man can have- I just love looking. Especially at my wonderful hubby smile 



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Re: Weekly reminder. Not all of us women care about height
post #4

Nice to hear from you. Thanks for the post.  My wife feels the same way. She's 5'2" and I'm 5'4".  She really likes my build - short with a small waist and broad chest, that compact look you mentioned.  I am always amazed and very grateful that women like you exist in a world where the media roars at us every day that only the big guys count.

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Re: Weekly reminder. Not all of us women care about height
post #5

I CANNOT STAND that line of thinking. Something as arbitrary as height. I know from the wonderful gentlemen that I have been fortunate enough to spend time with and date through the years that it is a problem and I wish it weren't. I have sifted through the message board here and have read some of the accounts from the users and it makes me sad. I am fortunate. (And to further dispel some of the stereotypes, I don't have messy baggage and divorces, children, or a weight problem- haha! I simply know that wonderful things come in fabulous, compact packages, and have preferred short guys since I was a teenager.) 

There are plenty of us out there! 

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Re: Weekly reminder. Not all of us women care about height
post #6

The media will have everyone believe that height is the all-important determining factor for a man. You see it everywhere.  Martin Luther turned the religious world of Europe upside down back in the 1520s. The effect of what he believed in and said and did is too profound to measure. But when Hollywood portrayed him in a movie a few years ago, guess what?  He was 6 feet tall and slender and handsome.  Hmm. Funny thing.  Martin Luther was my size, a little chubby and not particularly handsome.  But Hollywood figured that the American audience would never believe that a guy who was 5'4" could have done what he did.  Personally, I find this appalling.  Many thanks to women like you who choose to see that size does not determine value.

Last Edited By gymshorts (2016-09-29 07:16:48)

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Re: Weekly reminder. Not all of us women care about height
post #7

Quote: Funny that you mention this... I was watching the series "Escobar" on Netflix the other day and the character for Pablo Escobar was 6"+ while Pablo in real life was only 5'5". 

Originally posted by gymshorts

The media will have everyone believe that height is the all-important determining factor for a man. You see it everywhere.  Martin Luther turned the religious world of Europe upside down back in the 1520s. The effect of what he believed in and said and did is too profound to measure. But when Hollywood portrayed him in a movie a few years ago, guess what?  He was 6 feet tall and slender and handsome.  Hmm. Funny thing.  Martin Luther was my size, a little chubby and not particularly handsome.  But Hollywood figured that the American audience would never believe that a guy who was 5'4" could have done what he did.  Personally, I find this appalling.  Many thanks to women like you who choose to see that size does not determine value.


Short Damsel
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Re: Weekly reminder. Not all of us women care about height
post #8

Amen. I've dated men as short as 5'