When did your height first bother you?

Dark Willow
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When did your height first bother you?
post #1

I was thinking about it and I think mine started bugging me in 5th grade when I noticed girls who were taller than me and still considered "short". I basically peeked in 7th grade and never got any taller.

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Re: When did your height first bother you?
post #2


Originally posted by Dark Willow

I was thinking about it and I think mine started bugging me in 5th grade when I noticed girls who were taller than me and still considered "short". I basically peeked in 7th grade and never got any taller.

You're going to get some guys on this forum from time to time who are depressed about their height, but not all short men are like this, me being one of them. I've always been proud of who I am short and all. That said, the first time I noticed I was short or going to be short was around ninth grade when I went from being average to one of the shortest guys in peer group. It was always cool though. I got teased here and there, but always had witty comebacks and have always been a ladies man so yeah. 

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Re: When did your height first bother you?
post #3

I think it was in 7th grade for me as well when I noticed everyone around me still growing, even the girls. It didn't bug me that much until I got to high school and wanted to play for the basketball team. 

Short Squire
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Re: When did your height first bother you?
post #4

I never got teased that much but I kept a front up. A lot of kids really didn't know how to crack my shell. It was an act but it worked. I wished I had true confidence like ThatFly. I admire men like you who say f the rest.