When friends fix you up...

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When friends fix you up...
post #1

I for one, have some friends who will fix me up with women who are tiny. I mean short and skinny. They figure because I am only 5'8 and 160 pounds, I must want tiny women. I love curvy women. I don't like super short and skinny women. They don't get it. When a woman's hips are double mine, it is a turn on. Do you have friends who fix you up with the wrong women? or attept to?

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Re: When friends fix you up...
post #2

Yes but they do give me what I like. I don't like skinny women either. I like them to be fit. Like an athletic build plus 10 pounds of fat. Think younger JLo. I don't like women who are as curvy as them Kardasians tho!

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Re: When friends fix you up...
post #3

I only trust one of my friends when it comes to getting fixed up cause the other ones like to play jokes or think it is funny to set me up with their girlfriend's/wife's crazy friend. lol

Dark Willow
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Re: When friends fix you up...
post #4

My buddy did this once. The girl's name was Sara. She was maybe 5'1 and 100 pounds. She was cute and had a nice personalty but after two dates I told her, I thought she was a sweet girl but I prefer women closer to my height and ones who weight more. She looked dumb founded and said "I thought men like tight small bodies!?" My response to that was, no man is created equal. haha