Why do women mock short men?

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Why do women mock short men?
post #1

With all of the global women's movements toward equality - women's suffrage, feminism, calling out pay disparities, body acceptance, why then do women turn around and mock men who don't meet their or society's standards? Isn't it bizarre? Like I could go out and make fun of fat women and then be chastised for it, but then they could mock short men at work or in social settings and be cheered on for it. 

Why of all people would women engage in or encourage this behavior? 

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Re: Why do women mock short men?
post #2

Unfortunately we are the last group of unprotected people in our society. Every other type is now covered, even fat women. Maybe it's time we start our own movement somehow. 

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Re: Why do women mock short men?
post #3

Cause short men are much better in everyway in life than tall men. Short men are the misformed unicorns in life.

Women findt short guys unattractive, but we have everything else. So they get jealous and angry cause what they find attractive dont even have what we have! Not even remotely! 


Anyone else says differently, show them that we might be shorter, but they are the ants!