Woman says short men have a complex and think tall women are desperate

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Woman says short men have a complex and think tall women are desperate
post #1

Sure lady.... Please show us this supposed long line of short men who are dying for your attention.

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Re: Woman says short men have a complex and think tall women are desperate
post #2

Oh please! Another one of the bitter ones. No one is checking for this lady lol. 

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Re: Woman says short men have a complex and think tall women are desperate
post #3


Originally posted by Buncome

Oh please! Another one of the bitter ones. No one is checking for this lady lol. 

It has to be this and only this.

I don't know what insecurities would make a woman who obviously wants nothing to do with short men, come online and complain about men she doesn't want. 

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Re: Woman says short men have a complex and think tall women are desperate
post #4

These are usually the worst. Let me explain.

You could be out minding your business and then here comes one of these that have to remind you that you're short and not desired.

Personally, I think these types are frustrated that their type doesn't want them, so they take it out on the men they aren't interested in.

I can sense these types a mile away and avoid their unpleasantness at all costs.

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Re: Woman says short men have a complex and think tall women are desperate
post #5

Saw another one of her videos. Looks like her whole channel and Tik-Tok is about complaining about men with alleged complexes.

Complete Bitter Betty. 

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Re: Woman says short men have a complex and think tall women are desperate
post #6

She's actually accuses short guys as having NPD. What? 🙄

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Re: Woman says short men have a complex and think tall women are desperate
post #7


Originally posted by Buncome

Oh please! Another one of the bitter ones. No one is checking for this lady lol. 

100% bitter. I can't stand these types. 

I notice that when it comes to this subject, men will talk about it or vent their frustration about the nature of the dating market.

Taller women on the other hand who feel slighted will take it out on the men they claim they want nothing to do with.

And I bet this is one of those women who will complain about her type "dating out".