Women getting all livd about that new makeup removal app.

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Women getting all livd about that new makeup removal app.
post #1

There is a new app that removes makeup and filters from pictures. Women are really really upset, pissed and angry about it calling it "sexist".

Comments from the Google Play listing:


"Innapropriate and offensive. To all the misogynistic people praising the app: most men wouldn't go out with a woman if she doesn't have make up on, so stop complaining about women "lying about their beauty". Many of the "natural" looks men find attractive still use a lot of makeup to get there, they just use more neutral colours and simple shapes. If I want to wear makeup that is my decision and I do it for me, not you."


".. it’s clear he had time to do this because he’s a single douchebag who will end up forever alone.let’s see an app that shows women what men’s penises look like while they’re just chillin on the couch."


Feelings hurt much? Worth every cent in its 99 cent list price