
Short Page
Height: 5'8
Location: Motherbase, United States
Joined: Sep 24, 2015
Posts: 25
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post #1

Name is Jack. I am new here. I am not the shortest man here I am sure, but I am not tall by any means. I stand about 5'8 on a good day. I work for a developing company I can't mention on public forums, so I will that there. I am into video games, music, PC builds, and being my own man. I joined because unlike r/short on reddit, this place at least has men who are confident in being short. Lets build each other up!

Short Knight
Height: 5'6
Location: Pittsburgh , United States
Joined: Apr 23, 2015
Posts: 111
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Re: Yo!
post #2

Welcome Jack! I noticed a lot of pity posting on there as well and I feel bad for them but there is nothing we can say to change them. Glad to see another confident man join SGC. yes

Short Dame
Height: 5'1
Location: In a house, United States
Joined: Feb 28, 2015
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Re: Yo!
post #3


Originally posted by jackman

Name is Jack. I am new here. I am not the shortest man here I am sure, but I am not tall by any means. I stand about 5'8 on a good day. I work for a developing company I can't mention on public forums, so I will that there. I am into video games, music, PC builds, and being my own man. I joined because unlike r/short on reddit, this place at least has men who are confident in being short. Lets build each other up!

Welcome! What kind of games you into? I am always looking for new people to play with.

Short Page
Height: 5'8
Location: Motherbase, United States
Joined: Sep 24, 2015
Posts: 25
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Re: Yo!
post #4


Originally posted by SharkApple


Originally posted by jackman

Name is Jack. I am new here. I am not the shortest man here I am sure, but I am not tall by any means. I stand about 5'8 on a good day. I work for a developing company I can't mention on public forums, so I will that there. I am into video games, music, PC builds, and being my own man. I joined because unlike r/short on reddit, this place at least has men who are confident in being short. Lets build each other up!

Welcome! What kind of games you into? I am always looking for new people to play with.

I play mostly FPS on my PC but I also have a Xbox One. I am down for whatever though. I have a lot of games and always borrow my friend's games.

Short Squire
Height: 5'4
Location: Salt Lake, United States
Joined: Jun 07, 2015
Posts: 73
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Re: Yo!
post #5

Welcome Jackman! You sound like a cool dude. Glad others are finding us and joining. The community is growing smile