You will not change society's mind regarding short stature.

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Leg Lengthening
You will not change society's mind regarding short stature.
post #1

The fact that there hasn't been a new post on here in month proves this point...  the plight of the short-stature man falls on deaf ears.  I had a stature lengthening consult a while ago.  It was pretty awesome.  The bottom line is this, you can't help being born a short guy, there's nothing you can really do about that.  REMAINING short, however, IS a choice.  With advances in limb lengthening, you can be back on your feet within a few days, walking unassisted within a couple of weeks, and recovered fully within months.  Some people will tell you that you're crazy to spend that kind of money on that.  You'll hear, "You can buy a fancy sports car, a house, a boat, etc, with that kind of money."  But you know'll still be the SHORT GUY with the fancy car, a nice house, or a boat.  No matter what, the stigma follows.  And yes, some articles on this site will say to focus on your health, personality, career, etc.  But that will still leave you in the short category regardless.  It is much easier to have a procedure done and escape the stigma than it is to change the collective mind of society...because that will simply never happen.  Let's hear some thoughts on this.

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Re: You will not change society's mind regarding short stature.
post #2


Originally posted by oneshortguy

The fact that there hasn't been a new post on here in month proves this point...  the plight of the short-stature man falls on deaf ears.  I had a stature lengthening consult a while ago.  It was pretty awesome.  The bottom line is this, you can't help being born a short guy, there's nothing you can really do about that.  REMAINING short, however, IS a choice.  With advances in limb lengthening, you can be back on your feet within a few days, walking unassisted within a couple of weeks, and recovered fully within months.  Some people will tell you that you're crazy to spend that kind of money on that.  You'll hear, "You can buy a fancy sports car, a house, a boat, etc, with that kind of money."  But you know'll still be the SHORT GUY with the fancy car, a nice house, or a boat.  No matter what, the stigma follows.  And yes, some articles on this site will say to focus on your health, personality, career, etc.  But that will still leave you in the short category regardless.  It is much easier to have a procedure done and escape the stigma than it is to change the collective mind of society...because that will simply never happen.  Let's hear some thoughts on this.

What height are you now and what height do you plan on becoming? I won't disagree that no matter what you'll do, you'll be short. However, what about other people who deal with discrimination and stigmas? Should people of color bleach their skin until they are white as snow? 

I am considered short by any measure and have a pretty healthy dating life. I won't behave as if I don't deal with heightism, but I'd rather spend $100K on an investment property that will keep on turning over a profit over getting a procedure that may have little to no impact on my dating life. I do know a lot of men over 5'9 who can't get a date to save their life. are drowning in debt and are dealing with the consequences of bad decision making.

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Re: You will not change society's mind regarding short stature.
post #3


Originally posted by oneshortguy

the plight of the short-stature man falls on deaf ears. 

I think that's why communities like this exist. Not to amplify but to learn how to make the best of your situation and improve outcomes. I know positive forums like this one has helped me. I've been to r/short on reddit and it is a cesspool of self-pity and denial. 

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Re: You will not change society's mind regarding short stature.
post #4

Hey Minilinebacker.  People should definitely not bleach their skin white as snow, although if they wanted to, they have every right.  The reason I believe that is so different is because race carries the protection of law.  Discrimination against race, sexual orientation, gender, religion, etc all carries that protection of law.  But forget about height, not only is it NOT protected...but it appears that height discrimination is actually encouraged.  And yes, I can attest that buying investment properties is a very good idea, as I have done it multiple times and it's one of the best things you can do.  It will keep returning money to you.  However, coming up on almost 40 years of age, I also have enough life experience to know that if I had been a few inches taller that things could have been a lot different.  Sometimes I wonder if the period of my life where LL could have served me the best has already passed.  


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Re: You will not change society's mind regarding short stature.
post #5

Women can escape their strikes

Fat  - weight loss surgery - effective

Loose skin from pregnancy - plastic surgery

Hairloss - wigs - no stigma

Ugly - plastic surgery or makeup - no stigma


Men cannot

Short height - LL - not effective - cannot work for months, legs non proportionate to body

Hairloss - hair trainsplants - area where hair taken from is obvious if on head

Small penis - no effective surgery or remedy


If you are a man, you are stuck in your "hell" if you will.