Your weekends

Sammy JK
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Your weekends
post #1

What do your weekends consist of? I usually am online talking to friends, enjoying a good movie or spending some time with family & friends. I don't do a whole lot else as the weekend is my time to rest up, take a break and have fun. Get to talking everyone. big_smile

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Re: Your weekends
post #2

In the gym trying to hit the next level with weight training. I gained 10lbs in the last 3 months and am aiming for 25 in the next four. 

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Re: Your weekends
post #3

I spend time with the wife mostly. we go to a movie and out to dinner on an average weekend. Tomorrow we will be going fishing and to family for Easter Sunday.

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Re: Your weekends
post #4

How long have you been married mike5f4? Sounds nice.