What are the chances of short becoming a future fad?

Short Cadet
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What are the chances of short becoming a future fad?
post #1

You see this happening? Everyone is getting taller, so being short would be kind of novelty. Everyone has brown hair and a smaller percentage of the population has blue eyes, so everyone goes crazy over blue eyes. With less men "short", do you see any chance of shorter guys being viewed in the same way blue eyes are?... as in a favorable trait?

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Re: What are the chances of short becoming a future fad?
post #2

I always thought being short SHOULD be an advantage unless you are wanting your kid to be a pro basketball player or something, I mean it is seeming there are advantages to being short like able to fit into planes and other tight areas easily, as far as it being a "fad" do not count on it, a short guy is always going to be repulsive thing to a female