Stupid guy thinks this is a "comeback" to being turned down

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Stupid guy thinks this is a "comeback" to being turned down
post #1

Short Man Gets Turned Down | Height & Dating | ShortGuyCentral

This "comeback" is being upvoted on several sites. Can someone explain why this garmin behavior is considered "the high road". Name any other instance where insulting one's self because of a physical characteristic would get pats on the back?

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Re: Stupid guy thinks this is a "comeback" to being turned down
post #2

Its consideren funny, cause its a reference to snowwhite and the 7 dwarfs. Where 3 dwarfs are on top of eachouther to imitate 1 guy dancing with snowwhite.

Personally i dont find it funny, i think its a poor joke, disguising the issue, hiding the reality behind westernly socialistic humour.

Its "the right" comeback, since there is nothing he can do. And did not hurt her with cruel insults or statistics/facts -> making him the better guy, but only to people like us.