What can I do to make myself more attractive?

Short Vassal
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What can I do to make myself more attractive?
post #1

I'm 5'1 and weigh 120 lbs. I don't any clue about fashion and clothes don't fit me anyway. I'm 23 and am finishing up my B.S. in Engineering from a top 20 university located in New York. I don't have many friends here in school and from reading a lot of things online, I don't think my young adult life will be all that great. I feel like my height is holding me back in everything but academics.


I thought about getting Leg Lengthening surgery as soon as I could afford it, but if did the recommended 3 inches, I'd still only be 5'4 which isn't anywhere near average. Is there anything I can do at 5'1 to make myself more attractive to women. How do I learn how to socialize?

Last Edited By ant675 (2014-06-03 07:06:45)

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Re: What can I do to make myself more attractive?
post #2

5'6 134 lbs and I studied computer science.

" I don't any clue about fashion and clothes don't fit me anyway."

Look around fashion blogs and forums; find a good tailor and tip them well.

"I don't have many friends here in school"

This has nothing to do with height.

If you want friends then you need to introduce yourself to people and connect with them genuinely. An easy opening is Hi, what's your name?

If you don't know what to talk about just ask them questions and listen to their answer to find more things to talk about.

Ex, so I work at blah blah.

You: oh how long have you been there?

them: x years blah blah

You: wow, x years how do you like it there?

them: blah blah

Just keep doing this until they stop talking.

If you want easy access to male friends then join a gym and work on powerlifting/bodybuilding. Ask for guys to spot you and get their names afterwards. Afterwards ask these guys if they want to go for a drink.

You can also get a social hobby like martial arts, dance or anything that involves other people. _________________________________________________________

For your women issues, you can wear boots that add ~2 inches to your height or elevator shoes that can add up to 5 inches.

An attractive man is: 

1. above average in social status, (powerful associates, lots of friends, connections, high earning capability, charisma...)

2. Above average genetic fitness (facial symmetry, jaw aesthetics, muscularity...)

3. Dominance (correlated with social status but can be its own category think thugs, bad boys, and mafia bosses for the "bad people" spectrum and licensed fighters, fire fighters, macho but good will guys for the "good people" spectrum)

4. Has a strong life goal/purpose/drive/passion/direction.

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Re: What can I do to make myself more attractive?
post #3

ShortManLife, do you consider yourself to be any of those things?

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Re: What can I do to make myself more attractive?
post #4

I do powerlift and have made quite a few friends or acquaintances that way. Likewise, I took salsa for a few months and met people that way as well.

I also wear a pair of red wing boots. I'm above average in terms of strength for my size. I'm working on everything else.

In terms of women, for the majority I've only been with women that I knew for sure liked me and usually they initiate. My biggest problem is hesitation, I know it's irrational and it's not a big deal to get rejected but I still stall way too much.

Short Vassal
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Re: What can I do to make myself more attractive?
post #5
