Wemen actually turning away on street

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Wemen actually turning away on street
post #1

Hey guys,


i am pretty short (5,4) and indian, and not actually that bad looking in my opinion and happy with myself but the world sees this differently. Well, thats ok, i dont give a *bleep* about most people smile But what really bothers me, on the open street, when i go for a walk for example, wemen who walk in my direction actually fucing change street sides or make an effort to not come into 3m of my personal space. Just today a young woman was jogging in the opposite direction than me in the park, she saw me, she actually fucing stopped jogging, turned around, walked a bit so i could just see her back and then started jogging again away from me. And really, i am like what the actual fuc. It's not that i would even care about those wemen. Like honestly. What the fuc is this? It is really annoying and actually bothering me a lot, even if it shouldn't...does anyone have similar experiences, or is it really just because of me. 


Another notice: Usually this only happens with wemen i would consider average or good looking. The ones who look REALLY good usually have to work for their looks (with sports) and got their *bleep* sorted out and are mostly down to earth people. Those who do not look that good know good enough to not judge other people based on their looks. But this middle to good looking part of wemen i find really incredibly annoying. I could just walk around and slap each single one them in their face, like with all of my strength.

Well, what are your thought on this guys?

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Re: Wemen actually turning away on street
post #2

First, welcome to the board.

As for your point about average and ugly women.

My experience is that average and ugly women typically know where they stand and thus are batting for something out of their league like their lives (genes) depended on it. 

Women hate to be matched with someone of equal sexual market value, especially if they are near the bottom of the scale. 

Them avoiding you is like them seeing you and looking in the mirror (not literally of course).

I noticed also that more attractive women tend to be a bit more down to earth, even if they are not into you. 

I was on the bus a few days ago and noticed a very unattractive woman looking at me with the intent of expecting us to lock eyes. If you notice this enough, you develop a sixth sense about it.

I completely ignored this person, looking in every other direction (think of the same way a woman who doesn't want your attention looks away, up, down, around, but not at you).

This pisses them off because women constantly need validation, even from men they don't want.

My advice, completely ignore women you have no interest in as in don't even look at them. 

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Re: Wemen actually turning away on street
post #3

Women will go out of the way to let the world know she doesn't find you attractive if she event gets the inkling that you may be interested in her. It's not you. 

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Re: Wemen actually turning away on street
post #4


Originally posted by shortcruise

Another notice: Usually this only happens with wemen i would consider average or good looking. The ones who look REALLY good usually have to work for their looks (with sports) and got their *bleep* sorted out and are mostly down to earth people. Those who do not look that good know good enough to not judge other people based on their looks. But this middle to good looking part of wemen i find really incredibly annoying. I could just walk around and slap each single one them in their face, like with all of my strength.

Well, what are your thought on this guys?

What kind of women normally take interest in you? Being short and Indian isn't a death sentence. 

This guy was 5'2 and went to 5'6. You're 5'4. 


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Re: Wemen actually turning away on street
post #5


Originally posted by shortcruise

But this middle to good looking part of wemen i find really incredibly annoying. 

Interesting observation. Maybe they feel a bit like a lot of shorter men do. "If I were only 2 inches taller, life would be...", and so these women punch up above their market value (with more success because getting sexual attention is easy for most women).

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Re: Wemen actually turning away on street
post #6

I do not think turning away, but if I am walking on a street and I am about to pass an attractive girl, I notice they almost go out of their way to try and not look at me and they almost have this angry expression about them, I honestly think woman think that short men are beneath them and should not even be allowed to exist on the earth