Miserable vs Successful short men

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Miserable vs Successful short men
post #1

I've been reading a lot of posts on this forum as of late. There seems to be two camps for short guys. Let's call them Camp A and Camp B

Camp A -

• Miserable
• Self-loathing
• Mad at the world
• Believes that life would be infinitely better if they were taller
• Thinks taller men are intrinsically better than short men
• Believes that short men do not receive or are worthy of respect
• Spends time researching how to become taller
• Blames lack of success with women on being short

Camp B 

• Content
• Loves thyself
• Believes that positive outcomes are a result in self improvement and goal-setting
• Does not care much about their height, but works on things they can change (fashion, fitness, income, etc)
• Does not believe taller men are better. Accepts that some people have advantages but does not mean their lives are perfect
• Spends time researching and acting on ways to level up
• Recognizes that lack of success requires self-assessment and then sets out to plan to acquire their goal in another way


There is a clear divide here. Can anyone else add to these lists.

There are some posters who will forever be in one of those two camps.

Last Edited By BrickOdyssey (2020-09-27 08:51:55)

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Re: Miserable vs Successful short men
post #2


Originally posted by BrickOdyssey

I've been reading a lot of posts on this forum as of late. There seems to be two camps for short guys. Let's call them Camp A and Camp B

Camp A -

• Miserable
• Self-loathing
• Mad at the world
• Believes that life would be infinitely better if they were taller
• Thinks taller men are intrinsically better than short men
• Believes that short men do not receive or are worthy of respect
• Spends time researching how to become taller
• Blames lack of success with women on being short

Camp B 

• Content
• Loves thyself
• Believes that positive outcomes are a result in self improvement and goal-setting
• Does not care much about their height, but works on things they can change (fashion, fitness, income, etc)
• Does not believe taller men are better. Accepts that some people have advantages but does not mean their lives are perfect
• Spends time researching and acting on ways to level up
• Recognizes that lack of success requires self-assessment and then sets out to plan to acquire their goal in another way


There is a clear divide here. Can anyone else add to these lists.

There are some posters who will forever be in one of those two camps.

There only seems to be 2 distinctive characteristics between the 2 camps.

Camp A -

• Realistic

Camp B 

• Delusional

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Re: Miserable vs Successful short men
post #3


Originally posted by batmanbegins

There only seems to be 2 distinctive characteristics between the 2 camps.

Camp A -

• Realistic

Camp B 

• Delusional

You have it backwards.

You're definitely Camp A and will remain miserable as life passes you by.

Those in Camp B will go onto live happy, productive and fulfilling lives. 

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Re: Miserable vs Successful short men
post #4


Originally posted by ShortyDooWop


Originally posted by batmanbegins

There only seems to be 2 distinctive characteristics between the 2 camps.

Camp A -

• Realistic

Camp B 

• Delusional

You have it backwards.

You're definitely Camp A and will remain miserable as life passes you by.

Those in Camp B will go onto live happy, productive and fulfilling lives. 

In your fairy tale.

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Re: Miserable vs Successful short men
post #5


Originally posted by batmanbegins


In your fairy tale.

There is an article on this site which features 25 rich, millionaire CEOs, all of them short. 
Then we have this numbnuts named "batman" telling confident short men that they are "delusional".

Go ahead and eat your lucky charms buddy. Maybe then you'll grow out of your misery (pun intended).

Most of us here are doing just fine. Only you seem to be dejected.

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Re: Miserable vs Successful short men
post #6

Hey, BrickOdyssey--

I realize these are generalizations, but I can't honestly place myself in either Camp.  Just curious if others found that, too. Here's the deal:

Camp A-type feelings:  every day of my life I wish I were taller - even in the normal range somewhere. I dislike being 5'4" very much. I consider it equal to a deformity.  I can list for you every single way it's a pain in the neck to be of inadequate size in a culture dominated by tall men and the media that glorifies them.  Each day I keep all those thoughts inside myself and say nothing to the people around me.  Basically, it's too late, anyway-- most of my life is over - I'm 62 now.

Camp B-type actions:  I married well and have been happy for 35 years.  I went ahead and did everything in life that normal-size men do: children, home, career, leadership roles. I went beyond that-- I've been on radio and even on TV, and published books.  I've held the lead "president" role in 5 professional organizations.  I am determined to not "lose twice".   Being 5'4" I have automatically lost the first round in life:  I'm not tall enough to compete and win in all the real-men arenas.   Yeah, I may be the bottom face on the totem pole, but I get elected to be top banana all the time because I'm capable and charming and witty and competent.  See, I figure if I go nowhere in my life because of self-pity, then I've lost a second time.  

So, here's the thing-- I'm not content, and don't love my height.  Now, I don't hate or reject tall men, but I can't help but feel intimidated by them sometimes.  I'll never accept it as a good thing.  So, I'm not truly the Camp B mentality, but I refused to give in to the Camp A mentality and let it ruin my whole life, so I've worked around my inadequacy.  I wanted to be successful and not stall out, and I have done that.  Not sure where I fit in.  Anyone else out there like that?  

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Re: Miserable vs Successful short men
post #7

I do not spend my time looking to get taller, but I am definetly mainly in Camp A, and I do not think taller men are "better" but they most definetly have far easier lives, everything else there seems to match up


and I am not sure why that Batmanbegins was banned, was it because he was overtly negative? maybe not everyone is able to be "positive" and is resigned to being miserable, I am not sure where it says this website is for "positive and successful" short men only, maybe some people need an outlet to vent and this website is as good as any on the internet

Last Edited By d11221 (2020-11-09 02:26:24)

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Re: Miserable vs Successful short men
post #8

Camp B all the way. When I walk around certain parts of town, there is no shortage of homeless men who are tall, so being tall is no guarantee to an easier life. Mindset is where it all starts. 

I don't think it would be abnormal for a guy to want to be taller during his adolescent years and maybe his early 20s, but by the time careers set in, "wanting to be taller" goes all the way to the bottom of the list. It's a dog eats dog world out there and only the most ambitious, resourceful and proactive survive. 

GYMSHORTS, you've lived the dream. It is great to get an elders perspective. Your post should be stickied somewhere in this forum to give shorter men who feel like they're in Camp A some motivation. 

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Re: Miserable vs Successful short men
post #9

Camp A is where all short men are. Camp B is delusional and copes by pretending to be in B while knowing very well that they're in A.

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Re: Miserable vs Successful short men
post #10

It is inappropriate and counterproductive for a person to join a forum made for short men who aspire to succeed to consistently bash users with pejoratives such as "midget". 

That was the main reasoning behind the ban.