What you guys need to hear. Looks aren't THAT important....

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What you guys need to hear. Looks aren't THAT important....
post #1

I don't always agree with this guy, but truer words have never been spoken when it applies to men, and these "looks" should also include height.

There are portions of this video where he goes off on tangents which the video could have done without, but overall the message could not be any clearer and on point. 

Being short is not a death sentence. Non-select men just have to up their value in other areas and looks while are certainly a positive for us guys, it matters less and less, especially ~30 and beyond. 

Short Page
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Re: What you guys need to hear. Looks aren't THAT important....
post #2


Originally posted by ThatFlyShortGuyI don't always agree with this guy, but truer words have never been spoken when it applies to men, and these "looks" should also include height.

There are portions of this video where he goes off on tangents which the video could have done without, but overall the message could not be any clearer and on point. 

Being short is not a death sentence. Non-select men just have to up their value in other areas and looks while are certainly a positive for us guys, it matters less and less, especially ~30 and beyond. 

Great find and so true!

It would be ridiculous to say that "height doesn't matter", but other things matter too besides height, especially as we go through our 20s. By 30, because of my social network and career, I had dozens of women wanting me as their man and saw me as marriage material. 

As you probably already know from my previous post, I am married and have two kids. My wife has plenty of taller suitors but wanted me, and here we are.