Breakup Bootcamp Founder Tells Subscribers To Date Short Guys

Short Vassal
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Breakup Bootcamp Founder Tells Subscribers To Date Short Guys
post #1

Breakup Bootcamp Founder Tells Women To Date Short Guys | Height And Dating | Short King | Short Kingz

The catch of course is, she is urging women do to this after they've grown exhausted of chasing the tall men they really crave.

I guess short men everywhere should be grateful that someone is looking for them after nearly giving up thanks to MissAmyChan. Lol.

The Instagram post can be found here

Short Knight
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Re: Breakup Bootcamp Founder Tells Subscribers To Date Short Guys
post #2

she is virtue signaling for clicks and is basically saying if a women is not good enough to attract the men she is truly interested in she should settle for "lesser" men.  the reality is that the vast majority of  women will choose to be alone or share a chad instead of being in a relationship with an "inferior" man.