His height made her stomach turn after a kiss

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His height made her stomach turn after a kiss
post #1

His Height Made Her Stomach Turn After A Kiss | Height and Dating | Short King | Short Kingz

There is a video that I watched where a female doctor was interviewed (average attractiveness, around age 30) and she said something similar, that she just couldn't bring herself to even be next to him due to his height. It stung just a bit because her intelligence and emotional maturity which were palpable just succummed to biology. 

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Re: His height made her stomach turn after a kiss
post #2

This is why I say it's critical to get out there and interact with people. It's a prerequisite to developing emotional intelligence. That EI can help you spot when someone is "trying something out". If you get that vibe, leave. Don't wait. Clearly, this woman was "trying something she hadn't before" to convince herself that if she goes against her type, she might be surprised. In this case, it just confirmed what she always felt all along, and that's no attraction for shorter men.

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Re: His height made her stomach turn after a kiss
post #3

So why even bother going out on the date with him if she knew the height difference would bother her?