Just dumped my girlfriend of a year

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Just dumped my girlfriend of a year
post #1

My now ex made no effort to tone down her heightist beliefs though she constantly reassured me that my height was never a problem for her (she approached me). She has a kid who is now 8 and makes it a point to make sure he plays sports, eats a lot and keeps active so he can grow to be taller than his father and me. She swears up and down that because she has taller brothers that her son will end up tall, but it is pretty clear that he will not be that IMO. He is at the bottom of the growth curve for his age. 


She made it a point to tease me in front of her friends and family whenever her son was around telling them that she didn't want her son to grow up to a pathetic height. I bought for months the idea that these were just jokes until I hung out with her and a few of her friends and they all boasted about only dating short guys if they were paid (I make good money) or if they gave them amazing sex (which we have), but that if a taller guy came along they would ditch. In laymans terms, she was always searching for better. We ended up having an argument and I dumped her, blocked her number and contact with her on all social media websites. She texts me several times a day saying she is sorry and didn't mean it.


Sorry for the rant, but wanted to get this off of my chest. 

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Re: Just dumped my girlfriend of a year
post #2

You're better off without a skank like that to hold you down. I honestly don't even know why you spend that much time in that relationship. A chick speaking negatively about a feature I have would be a giant red flag to me.