Wanted to share something that helped my fiance'

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Wanted to share something that helped my fiance'
post #1

When we first started dating 4 years ago, he was just over 5'6. About a year ago, he started practicing proper posture for his herniated disk in his back. He got it from a car accident. Anyways, I noticed a few months ago that he appeared taller. Sure enough! He was a whole inch taller! I asked his doctor if this could happen and he said when proper posture is practiced, it lengthens the spine. So that is something you guys can try if you want. He said in most cases it is only a .25" difference but some have gained over an inch. 

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Re: Wanted to share something that helped my fiance'
post #2

Hmm this is interesting. I am going to look into this more.

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Re: Wanted to share something that helped my fiance'
post #3

This is pretty insulting. Sorry that he had an accident and screwed up his spine, but no one "needs to be taller", nor is "being tall" an accomplishment. There is no "help" in this post.

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Re: Wanted to share something that helped my fiance'
post #4

I know posture effects height in both men and women. The average person should be slightly taller but to me, I am okay with where I am. I don't feel like I did when I was younger.

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Re: Wanted to share something that helped my fiance'
post #5

I don't think she meant it to be offensive Harry. This is the "height increase" section after all!

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Re: Wanted to share something that helped my fiance'
post #6

That is interesting. I guess if someone has bad posture, and corrects it, then the spine would be longer.