Has a woman (you were dating) ever commented on your height?

Short Knight
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Has a woman (you were dating) ever commented on your height?
post #1

I had this happen once. One of my exes, we dated for about 7 months then she moved for work so we ended it. 

Anyways, she said to me about 2 months in that she was surprised that I can do everything a taller man can do. I looked at her dumb founded then she went on to say she has only ever been in relationships with guys who were 6' or taller. I didn't take offense to it because I know she didn't mean it to be offensive but I thought it was funny she thought a shorter man couldn't be good in the bedroom, or wear the same style, or lift weight, play sports, ect.

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Re: Has a woman (you were dating) ever commented on your height?
post #2

I am guilty of this. The first boyfriend I had was short and I always heard of the other girls in school commenting on height mattering. So this went to my head and I made a comment like that to my then boyfriend. He didn't speak to me for 4 days but he thought I meant it to hurt him.

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Re: Has a woman (you were dating) ever commented on your height?
post #3

Yeah it has happened to me. Quite a number of times but it was mostly by drunk immature women.

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Re: Has a woman (you were dating) ever commented on your height?
post #4

^ Yeah drunk women aren't pretty. I guess us guys aren't much better though haha

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Re: Has a woman (you were dating) ever commented on your height?
post #5

Shockingly enough, no but after one bad break up, one did have some choice words to say, but I was equally immature with falling her "porky"... lol

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Re: Has a woman (you were dating) ever commented on your height?
post #6

If a woman has a hang up about your height then you should drop her plain and simple. Why deal with someone who isn't comfortable with who you are?

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Re: Has a woman (you were dating) ever commented on your height?
post #7

Well that's not negative at all Dunnoskis. Is she taller than you?

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Re: Has a woman (you were dating) ever commented on your height?
post #8

You're a great man Dunnoskis! Props!!

Last Edited By ThatFlyShortGuy (2015-03-10 09:57:20)