The power of lines on a shirt

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The power of lines on a shirt
post #1


Yu want to wear shirts that make you look longer if you want to appear taller and leaner. If you want to appear larger in the shoulders and arms, you wear horizontal shorts. It they are too long or too bold, they will make you look shorter. 

Mr Dixon
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Re: The power of lines on a shirt
post #2

I never really thought of stripes on a shirt but this makes sense. I always hear women saying to avoid long lines if you are curvy and use them if you are too skinny.

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Re: The power of lines on a shirt
post #3

I was always told, as a female, to avoid the horizontal lines because they make you look fatter. I never had vertical line shirts though either. I just avoided stripes all together unless they were pin stripes smile

Jelly Kelly
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Re: The power of lines on a shirt
post #4

I love the look of vertical stripes on men. big_smile It makes them look good, no matter the size.

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Re: The power of lines on a shirt
post #5

This isn't something I ever gave much thought but it does make sense. I will have to look at a few shirts I have and see the difference on myself.

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Re: The power of lines on a shirt
post #6

I never really noticed this on myself but I don't own very many shirts with vertical stripes. I never cared for how they look.

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Re: The power of lines on a shirt
post #7

I don't care for stripes in general so I very seldom wear them but I can see the difference for sure. It is amazing how the eyes trick the mind. Goes to show we can't always believe what we see.